Choosing the best props for your practice

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Handstand Blocks

Handstand blocks allow you to grip around the edges of the block, opposed to handstands on the floor where you have to push with your hands.  Practicing on blocks will help build grip strength, which helps you learn how to control your handstands better.  Blocks are also an essential tool for those who are preparing to handstand on canes.

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Round Blocks

It’s a matter of preference when choosing your handstand blocks. While square handstand blocks are the most common, you can also find round blocks, and decline blocks as well. Luckily, you can choose from all 3 kinds. Our round blocks offer a whole new grip sensation and allow for a smooth feel while inverted.

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Decline Blocks

Decline blocks are a a great tool for hand to hand flyers, and can also be a useful tool for those with limited wrist mobility. Practicing on blocks will help build grip strength, which helps you learn how to control your handstands better.

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Handstand Board

Consistency in handstand training is essential, and that also goes for the surface on which you train. Handstand boards are a great tool for providing a flat and level balancing surface when you don’t have access to a hardwood floor. Boards are a great tool for practicing handstands in the park, beach, carpeted floor, or any other unforgiving surfaces you come across.

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Handstand Canes

Handstand canes take your handstand practice to new heights.  For people interested in jumping into handstands on elevated surfaces, including hand to hands, handstand canes are a great option.  Handstand canes offer a variety of unique possibilities for conditioning and skills by allowing your legs to travel lower than the floor.